Product development
The main goal of our R&D is to maintain our authenticity and differentiate from our competitors. R&D in WAKIVAKY is basically about markets’ needs exploring, collecting suggestions from customers, testing various materials, creating new designs and finally optimising the production process. We try to select and collect perspective products and proceed them into serial production as soon as possible. Our designs are being recognized as an intangible asset therefore we register them and protect them (brand, design).

How is our R&D process treated in WAKIVAKY?
The development itself goes through several stages. The first phase of development starts from the first idea (TRL0) through the selection of material, the creation of a sketch, i.e. the first drawn design and modelling the concept of the future product. Then we raise it into discussion and internal testing (TRL1-3). This is followed by the design validation, the creation of a full-scale prototype and its testing in studio conditions (TRL5-6). After that we have to implement any improvements or small updates. Next, when the prototype is ready to be tested in a real environment by our future customers (TRL7). Shortly after that we incorporate external stimuli from the test group into the prototype, so we create production and technical documentation for series production and quality assessment, add business
and marketing information. Before the last phase we compile the best package and set the pricing policy (TRL8). The final step is to write down the list of individual stages for development with explanation of TRL0-9.
The product prepared in this way goes into production and is also listed in the distribution network. By maintaining a marketing campaign to support sales and you're done. Customers can purchase the new product. The development process itself can last for several months. If the product has sales potential, then a specific sales name = brand is invented for the product as part of development. We will then register the brand and prepare a support campaign. This will increase visibility and protection for the new product on the market.
Samples of prototypes and products from our development